In response to David Denby's scathing remarks about his buddy, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson sent this letter to The New Yorker.Be sure to click the link to view a scan of the actual letter. The transcription has typos that diminish the wit and accuracy of Owen's original note.
LC and Stephen appear to be finally heating up in the hot tub.
If events unfold as I believe they should, it will mean that the year (plus some) that I have anxiously awaited and predicted the ultimate hookup... will at long last, be realized.
YES, my life is THAT exciting. And NO, I'm not going to tell you how old I am.
- Woke up the first time at 630am and decided that I didn't have to get up right away.
- Woke up the second time to a phone call at 745am. Cheerfully told MMSP that I was already up and could leave to meet him in 20 minutes. Relieved that he suggested that we meet in 45 minutes, which gave me another 10 minutes to make myself presentable.
- Met MMSP at Starbucks for a quick java jolt, then followed him to a client's house. Drove through the neighborhood thinking, as I always do, I should have gone into a more profitable profession.
- Helped MMSP field measure existing conditions. Greeted happily by a beautiful golden in the backyard!
- On the way home, confirmed my previous decision to skip going to the Comets game this afternoon, in lieu of some much needed time to clean house and do pretty much nothing.
- Considered dropping my clothes in the washing machine on the way into the house, but opted, instead, to reveal the truth of my indiscretion to Miss C.
- Miss C's nose to my thigh, I confessed fully and reassured her that she IS the prettiest girl in the world.
- From the comfort of home, watched the Comets stink up their game v. (last place in Western Conference) San Antonio, and fall to a second place tie with Seattle. On the bright side, I saved $21 in refreshments and washed three loads of clothes... things I wouldn't and couldn't have done at the Toyota Center.
Launching a summer-long campaign, on the 4th of July, to raise cash and collect donated items to support military dogs and their handlers overseas, Happy Tails Dog Spa raised more than $8,500.00 this past weekend.
160 dogs received a bath, and all the proceeds from all of the events are dedicated toward purchasing cooling equipment for the canine patriots and heat resistant clothing for their handlers.
Lots of cool stuff was donated for the K-9 Patriots, as well: 210 pounds of dog bones, 40 pounds of dog treats, 10 pounds of beef jerky, 30 pounds of sunflower seeds, 81 rope toys, 143 tennis balls, 42 flying discs... as well as sun protection products for their comrades!
- Awoke to learn that the BP Plant exploded again last night.
- Wore jeans and a smile to work because not only was it a short day and casual Friday, it was also PAYDAY.
- Went with the boys, to lunch at LaTapatia, hankering the #5, but had the #7 instead.
- Went to the grocery store for 4 items and checked out at $94.
- Unloaded and put the groceries away, but left the milk and the meat on the washing machine in the garage. Fortunately, I remembered before it was too late.
- Decided Miss C is the sweetest girl in the world, and told her so.
- Caught up with Monkey News and Riehl for the latest on the Natalee Holloway case.
- Watched Dr. Phil... pros and cons of prenups.
- Sudden pop-up thunderstorm sent me running to unplug the valuable electronics. Noticed out the clerestory that the gate was open. Stood up on a chair to see if it had blown off or was just open, and the minute I put my hand on the window sill, there was a bolt of lightning that caused me to do a double back flip to the floor.
- Watched NG and swore to never watch again. Wondered if she knows his name is not "JOE-SEE", and whether she is intentionally condescending. Wondered, too, if you COULD actually pump the water out of a pond using a bicycle pump.
- Played "hello" and "where did he go" with Miss C and her Owen.
- Plugged electronics back in and hopped online to chat with CT and MARU.
- CT introduced me to a great new website.
- Looked for Queen Beatrix' fancy hats, but had no luck.
- Listened to Greta, who wasn't Greta tonight.
- Discussed Aruban ponds, landfills and white trucks.
- Decided that what I really know to be true in the NH case is, well, nothing.
- Woke up late, but not AS late.
- Was able to focus on ONE project today, which spells progress.
- Went to Ragin' Cajun for lunch, with MMSP and the boys. Ventured out of my usual habit and had the shrimp poboy. Quite yummy and also large, so the second half made an easy dinner.
- Noticed that the neighbor had a HUGE tree cut down out of their backyard, and I wondered why. (Update later if I find out).
- Miss C was happy about my arrival home, as well as my punctuality.
- Wandered out back to survey the gardens. Squirrel dropped (or threw) a half-eaten walnut down and hit me on the shoulder. Wondered where the walnut came from, since he was eating it in a pecan tree.
- Watered the potted plants and noted many jalepeno blooms.
- Came in and chatted with CT for a while online, listening to the angry squirrel as he threw unripened pecans onto the roof.
- Thundered loudly around 9pm, so I made a quick exit from chat, shut down and unplugged.
- Went to bed early and waited on the impending storm. UPDATE: NEVER HAPPENED.
- Woke up late and had to throw it into high gear to get out the door in time to be only 30 minutes late to work.
- Put out lots of fires, mostly minor, but one major.
- Discovered information leading to a possible resolution of the NH case and discussed the possibilities with CT. Concluded that the information was false.
- Went to DD for lunch with MMSP and the boys.
- Left work. 3 miles and 30 minutes away, I discovered that I had left my cell phone on my desk at work. Had to abort my progress and return to pick it up. Parked in front of the building, ascended the elevator to find the office door locked and my keys in the car. Knocked loudly and the cleaning lady responded and let me in. Whshhhhhhhew.
- Left work (2nd x), thinking about what I had accomplished and the memoranda that would be required to document same.
- Decided it might be fun to blog a daily memorandum. Then thought I didn't want to do it everyday, but more randomly. Then I thought... I'll call it a random memo. Then I debated whether it should be spelled randummemo... or randommemo. I finally decided It should just be Random Memo, as misspelled words and such... drive me crazy.
- Greeted at home by an anxious Miss C who was nervously tapping her wrist watch.
- Loved on and played with her.
- Pondered the pond and investigated the properties of quicksand and how to get out of it.
- Checked on STS114 and possible damage during liftoff.
- Nuked the last pork chop and thought about Dude while I cooked corn log.
- Watched NG and swore I would never watch again.
- Checked the Munky Report (contradiction, I know) and RWV for news.
- Chatted with BHF and other NH friends and discussed the merits of the day's discoveries, and lack thereof.
- Called it a night, and had to move a slumbering golden from my side of the bed.
Feel good story of the day:
Swept away by the tsunami and stranded on a reef, this baby hippo now has a new best friend.
This is the story of Owen and Mzee, a 130 year old turtle!
Before long, you'll realize that I'm not a huge movie buff (can't help it... I have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to movies)...
And this review of 'Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House' is just a teensy bit less current than my last theatre visit. After all... it was released in 1948, well over a decade before I was born! It's a great one, though... I promise!