Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Random Memo 072705

  1. Woke up late and had to throw it into high gear to get out the door in time to be only 30 minutes late to work.
  2. Put out lots of fires, mostly minor, but one major.
  3. Discovered information leading to a possible resolution of the NH case and discussed the possibilities with CT. Concluded that the information was false.
  4. Went to DD for lunch with MMSP and the boys.
  5. Left work. 3 miles and 30 minutes away, I discovered that I had left my cell phone on my desk at work. Had to abort my progress and return to pick it up. Parked in front of the building, ascended the elevator to find the office door locked and my keys in the car. Knocked loudly and the cleaning lady responded and let me in. Whshhhhhhhew.
  6. Left work (2nd x), thinking about what I had accomplished and the memoranda that would be required to document same.
  7. Decided it might be fun to blog a daily memorandum. Then thought I didn't want to do it everyday, but more randomly. Then I thought... I'll call it a random memo. Then I debated whether it should be spelled randummemo... or randommemo. I finally decided It should just be Random Memo, as misspelled words and such... drive me crazy.
  8. Greeted at home by an anxious Miss C who was nervously tapping her wrist watch.
  9. Loved on and played with her.
  10. Pondered the pond and investigated the properties of quicksand and how to get out of it.
  11. Checked on STS114 and possible damage during liftoff.
  12. Nuked the last pork chop and thought about Dude while I cooked corn log.
  13. Watched NG and swore I would never watch again.
  14. Checked the Munky Report (contradiction, I know) and RWV for news.
  15. Chatted with BHF and other NH friends and discussed the merits of the day's discoveries, and lack thereof.
  16. Called it a night, and had to move a slumbering golden from my side of the bed.

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