Friday, July 29, 2005

Random Memo 072905

  1. Awoke to learn that the BP Plant exploded again last night.
  2. Wore jeans and a smile to work because not only was it a short day and casual Friday, it was also PAYDAY.
  3. Went with the boys, to lunch at LaTapatia, hankering the #5, but had the #7 instead.
  4. Went to the grocery store for 4 items and checked out at $94.
  5. Unloaded and put the groceries away, but left the milk and the meat on the washing machine in the garage. Fortunately, I remembered before it was too late.
  6. Decided Miss C is the sweetest girl in the world, and told her so.
  7. Caught up with Monkey News and Riehl for the latest on the Natalee Holloway case.
  8. Watched Dr. Phil... pros and cons of prenups.
  9. Sudden pop-up thunderstorm sent me running to unplug the valuable electronics. Noticed out the clerestory that the gate was open. Stood up on a chair to see if it had blown off or was just open, and the minute I put my hand on the window sill, there was a bolt of lightning that caused me to do a double back flip to the floor.
  10. Watched NG and swore to never watch again. Wondered if she knows his name is not "JOE-SEE", and whether she is intentionally condescending. Wondered, too, if you COULD actually pump the water out of a pond using a bicycle pump.
  11. Played "hello" and "where did he go" with Miss C and her Owen.
  12. Plugged electronics back in and hopped online to chat with CT and MARU.
  13. CT introduced me to a great new website.
  14. Looked for Queen Beatrix' fancy hats, but had no luck.
  15. Listened to Greta, who wasn't Greta tonight.
  16. Discussed Aruban ponds, landfills and white trucks.
  17. Decided that what I really know to be true in the NH case is, well, nothing.

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