Saturday, July 30, 2005

Random Memo 073005

  1. Woke up the first time at 630am and decided that I didn't have to get up right away.
  2. Woke up the second time to a phone call at 745am. Cheerfully told MMSP that I was already up and could leave to meet him in 20 minutes. Relieved that he suggested that we meet in 45 minutes, which gave me another 10 minutes to make myself presentable.
  3. Met MMSP at Starbucks for a quick java jolt, then followed him to a client's house. Drove through the neighborhood thinking, as I always do, I should have gone into a more profitable profession.
  4. Helped MMSP field measure existing conditions. Greeted happily by a beautiful golden in the backyard!
  5. On the way home, confirmed my previous decision to skip going to the Comets game this afternoon, in lieu of some much needed time to clean house and do pretty much nothing.
  6. Considered dropping my clothes in the washing machine on the way into the house, but opted, instead, to reveal the truth of my indiscretion to Miss C.
  7. Miss C's nose to my thigh, I confessed fully and reassured her that she IS the prettiest girl in the world.
  8. From the comfort of home, watched the Comets stink up their game v. (last place in Western Conference) San Antonio, and fall to a second place tie with Seattle. On the bright side, I saved $21 in refreshments and washed three loads of clothes... things I wouldn't and couldn't have done at the Toyota Center.

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