Monday, September 26, 2005

Hurricane Rita: Journal Entries of a Hurricane Rookie

19 September - 25 September

You do what you can do to prepare, and then you
journal for prosperity.

Luck was on my side this time, though. As I made preparations to leave, traffic was at a stand-still, in a universal effort to evacuate the city. In the end, I chose not to risk Miss C's life in the heat and traffic, as it might take 30+ hours in an un-air conditioined card to reach our place of escape, and to brace ourselves for the storm. And I was not alone. My neighbors were phenomenal.

And as it turned out, my destination... Nacogdoches... received far worse damage than did my neighborhood.

Check out
my hurricane journal. I intend to keep it updated with survival and preparedness information, as well as to-do and stock lists.

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