Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Home Sick: Misery and Musings


  1. God, it was good to get home and take my clothes off.
  2. Ahhhh... clean sheats and a heating pad.
  3. Feeling achy and cold, on not a cold day, I took my temperature. It was 101.2, leaving me with some concern... as (really bad) colon problems run in my family.
  4. Miss C drove me crazy.
  5. Cooking macaroni and cheese for a late lunch was an ordeal.
  6. Dozed most of the afternoon, but noted that judge shows are still good tv.
  7. Dozed and missed most of Dr Phil. The part I saw was sick fun.
  8. Caught Oprah: Mark Jacobs. He was cool, but I don't get the hubbub. And I don't get the handbag fetish thing... made me wonder if it's a gene.
  9. Caught Oprah: The Jimmy Choo shoes were cool, but I'm just SO not a shoe addict... made me wonder if it's a gene. MORE ON THIS STORY LATER.
  10. Caught Oprah: Wow. I think at one time I had the original Barbie (worth $25,000 today). I didn't see a use for it then. Sadly, I DO NOW!!!!
  11. Caught Oprah: Elmo is a tall black man with a deep voice!!!! Who knew!!! Sadly, it was the shortest part of her program, and frankly, why I tuned in!
  12. Cratered to Miss C and let her run around in the yard.
  13. Discovered that she DID see a meter man (when she barked). He left the gate unlocked!Fortunately, I checked it before it blew open.
  14. Fed Miss C and ate some pizza crust for dinner. Fed the grilled chicken to the baby!
  15. Took my temperature again during Raymond re-runs... 100.4.
  16. Settled in for the night and watched Wife Swap. Can you believe that woman had a frosty bear head in her freezer???
  17. Flipped between 2 1/2 Men and The Bachelor (am I actually admitting this???).
  18. Made a mental note to stay up to catch the local ABC affiliate's update on Matt Hickl (the ultimate bachelor)... but fell asleep, instead.


  1. Slept pretty well, but was upset to wake up in pain... again.
  2. Feeling a lot less achy, took my temperature. 98.2.
  3. Belly still too tender for clothing, but was happy that I could sit up with little pain. Decided that sweat pants would have to do for the medical center!
  4. Did a little work from home. Let Miss C do her deal.
  5. Did all the stuff you have to do before a Well Woman Exam. You girls know what I'm talking about.
  6. Promised the folks in the office that I would be there tomorrow. There's no way I would have been productive the last two days, it's good to know that I'm needed.
  7. Said a prayer and headed off for the poking and prodding.
  8. Made it home after a long wait at the doctor's office. Look for a post later on this ordeal.
  9. Miss C was exhuberant.
  10. Ate pizza crust for dinner.
  11. And now I'm headed for bed, so exhausted that I don't even care what's on television.

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