Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving 2005

I am thankful every day of my life, but today is a perfect day to list the many things I'm thankful for:

  1. My most precious, sweet baby... Miss C, and all the love she gives me.
  2. My home.
  3. My garden.
  4. All the people I love.
  5. That I have so many good friends.
  6. That I have a job.
  7. That I work with people I love and consider good friends.
  8. That I'm able to meet my bills, and put a tiny bit back into savings.
  9. My extra-curricular jobs, for reason number 8.
  10. That I have learned the lessons that I have.
  11. That I had the best parents in the world. That I know they're still watching over me. That I know they can hear me, I just can't hear them... but that I KNOW what they would say.
  12. That I have lost the worst and most that I can lose... knowing that I can lose a tremendous amount again, but with the experience to know I can survive.
  13. That I know what I'm looking for in an intimate relationship.
  14. My good health.
  15. For my little CRV, which will soon be back in good shape.
  16. That I am blessed in ways I'm not fully aware.

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