Saturday, September 10, 2005

Random Memo 091005

  1. Woke up early.
  2. Made a list of everything I need to do this weekend.
  3. Fed Miss C her breakfast and went back to bed.
  4. Caught up with the kids of Laguna Beach. I'm mad at Steven, by the way.
  5. Surfed a while. No, not Laguna style.
  6. Showered and suited up for the Comets game.
  7. Stopped by the grocery store for Tecate and limes.
  8. Drove to my friends' house in Suburbia, USA for a helluva game watching party.
  9. Watched an all-in-all crappy game.
  10. Visited with old friends and met some great new friends.
  11. Loved on two sweet and precious doggies.
  12. Ate great food: cheese cubes, crackers and cheese spread, hot wings, veggies and dip.
  13. Found that there are at least two doggies in the world who LOVE carrots!
  14. Learned that a road had been extended from Suburbia to the U.S. Hwy that I live near.
  15. Left the party before it was my turn to play pool. Excellent timing!
  16. Took the newly extended road home. It was great!
  17. Played with Miss C, who split her attention between me... and my clothes.

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