Thursday, September 01, 2005

Can it get any worse?

It's been a stressful day:

  1. Visual images broadcast from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama worsen by the day. There are folks who are looting for sustenance. There is a wild contingent who is firing on police officers and other search, rescue and recovery officers.
  2. I saw many Kristina refugees in the restaurant at lunch, the grocery store and on the freeway as I travelled home today.
  3. My MMSP left work early today, distraught. I know his doggy (Miss C's boyfriend) went to the vet today. He also has four missing family members. I'm so worried... I can't say any more. I feel just horrible, in anticipation of the confirmation of bad news.
  4. I heard on the way home that Joran was released from custody and is no longer under suspicion of the murder of Natalee Holloway.
  5. Having lost the first game of the first round playoff series last night, the Comets must now win two games in Seattle.

The answer to the question is that it CAN get so much worse. Today was just one of those days for me, that felt like the bad things were "piling on". I'm grateful for all I have. After all, my worst worries concern people far less fortunate, and wishing I could do more to help.

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