Thursday, September 15, 2005

46 Off the Wall Things About Me

  1. I have a vivid imagination and propensity to exaggerate for humor.
  2. I hold myself much more accountable than anyone else.
  3. I'm not afraid to pony up and admit error and say I'm sorry.
  4. I make many mistakes, but repeat VERY few.
  5. I'm a closet psychologist. No... really!
  6. I prefer Miss C's company to almost everyone else's.
  7. I have an almost infinite willingness to forgive, if asked.
  8. My preference is to listen more than I speak, but if I speak, I expect to be heard.
  9. I have a tendency to test people.
  10. I've fallen in unconditional love four times in my life.
  11. I love the taste of milk chocolate and popcorn, at the same time.
  12. I read the book, The Introvert Advantage, for the first time last year. And I finally understand myself.
  13. Recognition is far less important to me than gratitude.
  14. I've survived and overcome the worst things in life that are required. If I have no other consolation, it is that those things are behind me.
  15. I pretended to be someone I'm not until 1995, at which time I gave up and became exactly who I am.
  16. I accommodate pretense with reality in a 15/85 percent relationship. I do this to make others more comfortable, but also allow them the opportunity to grow, stretch and accept.
  17. I try to live my life as an example.
  18. I only have six regrets. I know what they are, and I don't have the guts to put them in public writing. I will say that I wish that I had cared for and loved beyond reason and situation, and that my timing had been much better . It's enough that I agonize over them regularly; I won't say more.
  19. In spite of my rolling eyes in childhood, manners, ettiquette and life rules are very important.
  20. My Daddy introduced me to two people, that in retrospect, tells me that he understood me far deeper than I understood myself. Further, he loved and respected me more than I love(d)and respect(ed) myself.
  21. Of all the modern inventions, I like the telephone the least.
  22. I always thought I would be "famous" among my peers.
  23. I once had a dog who was JUST like me, very intuitive, and introverted. He gave me just what I needed, and I hope I did the same for him. He lived 17 1/2 years. We went through the highlights and lowlights of life together. I almost died when he did.
  24. Miss C saved my life. And she changed it, too.
  25. I connect easily.
  26. I would make a wonderful mother.
  27. I AM my Daddy and Mother combined.
  28. I don't have a political party.
  29. I find Frank Lloyd Wright to be equal parts genious and ass. For those reasons, I find him particularly endearing.
  30. Up until 1992, I thought I could "fix" anything by hard work and prayer.
  31. Up until 1999, I blamed myself for everything that went wrong in my world.
  32. Up until January 2, 2005, I believed that I was less in the eyes of the Lord.
  33. I could "fix" the world, if given the power and opportunity.
  34. I feel for my friends as if they were myself.
  35. My comfort, security and authentic self grow closer and closer with every passing day. (Refer to 16 above, and the shrinking 15/85 rule).
  36. I am Virgo and Libra combined, (I was born Virgo, but premature by a month, thus intended a Libra).
  37. I have distinct memories back to before pre-kindergarten.
  38. I, once, re-arranged gifts from Santa under the Christmas tree, so that I received the things that I wanted.
  39. I always took a bath, albeit a short one, when told.
  40. I find Gertrude Stein, and her writings, personally inspiring and directly applicable.
  41. I am kin to the Wright Brothers.
  42. My relatives founded Moorhead City, North Carolina.
  43. I'm a rule follower, to the extreme. When annoyed and provoked, however, I will tilt the scales to attempt to prove indescrepancies. (But I'll feel overwhelming guilt).
  44. If I could change anything in life, I'd change certain people's hearts.
  45. I used to view poverty as a disadvantage, but now I feel it's a badge of honor, courage and invention.
  46. My pessimism is concealed optismism. I would much rather be pleasantly surprised, than bitterly disappointed.

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