Thursday, February 23, 2006

Random Memo: 022306

The Random Memo is back by popular demand (ha!)...

  1. I am jokingly referred to, at work, as "the design goddess" and "oh great one". Joke or not, it's actually true! :-)
  2. Ever notice that co-workers regard a day that you spent travelling and attending a client meeting... as a vacation? I much prefer, and feel more rested from, a good hard day's work in the office.
  3. I think Miss C has been blogging again.
  4. Note to self: Check the City of Houston Job Listings! I could use a salary doubling bonus! (Refer to previous post).
  5. It's too bad that the IRS doesn't pay interest on refunds.
  6. I worked really hard today (and everyday...?) and my boss told me that I could leave early, for my efforts. I got in the car and started home. Heading down the ramp of the parking garage, I glanced at the clock. It was 9 minutes earlier than I was scheduled to leave. Hmmph. I'll bet he laughed himself silly after I walked out the door.
  7. Houston traffic sucks. (Alert the media!)
  8. If you want to find me tonight at 9pm, you know I'll be parked in front of the tv, watching Joran on ABC. Greta cracked me up last night, reminding her viewers that the conflict in programming is the reason TIVO was invented.
  9. For some reason, I don't think Joran and the VDS family are going to be pleased with their decision. But hey... I could be wrong. We'll see.
  10. For some reason, I don't think the Kalpoes are going to be pleased with the interview tonight either. IMHO, it seems Joran is setting them up by indicating that they knew where Natalee was and had the vehicular means to return to her. But hey... I could be wrong. We'll see.
  11. Already, from the clips I've viewed, Joran contradicts himself. (Alert the media!)
  12. Dealing with narcissistic personalities is a bitch... no?
  13. Whattaya know... it might be nature, after all! Look for a post soon with further commentary. (Snicker)... You might also look for JAGG's commentary!
  14. BEWARE... a restaurant that lists a "new" chicken club sandwich on the menu might just be trying to sell more chickenburgers in disguise.
  15. Andrea Yates is in the news again... and I'm reading the book, "Are You There Alone (The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates)" (Suzane O'Malley). I'll have more to say later, but for now, I'll say that I am someone who has taken on the responsibility for someone that didn't have the faculties to be left alone. The emotions that surround this responsibility are incredibly complicated, and hindsight is 20/20. Children weren't involved in my case. So at this point (in my progress in the book), I have to reserve judgment. More later...
  16. I just can't wait for my new issue of fusion. That Glenn, he's a hunk! (ha).
  17. I have a new perspective on the UAE port contract. (1) After listening to a Houston Port Authority guy, I think this is really no big deal. And (2) I think Bush is leading the Democrats into establishing precedent for special circumstances due to war-time and terrorism. Congress is in an uproar over wire-tapping. Their opposition to the port contract establishes the precedent that there are "unusual circumstances" in this day and age. I could be wrong. And personally, I have mixed emotions. Raised in a a politically active family, I tend to see past the obvious. This time... I'm just not sure what I see!
  18. Wow... Mr. P has been with me for over a month! Update coming soon! What in the world is Mr. P?
  19. Old friends are a treasure. My old friends know everywhere I've been, and a lot of it hasn't been pretty. I've been through so much that I can no longer afford the luxury to hide any of it. My old friends respect HOW I came through it all, and they understand, at least partly, who I am on the other side, but really...
  20. No one REALLY KNOWS me any more.

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