Sunday, October 30, 2005

Random Memo 103005: Making Up For Lost Time

A lot has happened since I last blogged. And I've been busier than busy. If idle hands are the devil's playground, then I'm in good shape!
  1. The Astros won the National League title. I'll admit it... I was in bed when the title was clinched, but I got up and dressed and went out to the street where neighbors were gathering to celebrate (hugs, high fives and fireworks).
  2. The World Series fell far short of my long-awaited expectations. And it didn't have anything to do with how the Astros played. I think our guys did an outstanding job, played hard and displayed the heart and good character I know they have. It was the media degradation and incessant criticism... of not only the team, but the City of Houston, in general. I grew from weary and saddened... to outright engraged. I remain proud of my Astros and their accomplishments, but I've developed a pretty powerful disrespect for Fox Sports and their commentary.
  3. Some really good neighborhood relationships solidified during the preparation for Hurricane Rita. Good things DO sometimes arise from difficult situations.
  4. I picked up a great moonlight project, and I'm stoked about the potential.
  5. I had a great belated birthday celebration, put together by Dude and KBJ. It rocked.
  6. Work has been WAY more stressful than usual. I've got a fast-track project, with a tight budget, and I've been working as hard as I can to meet all of the requirements. It's kinda neat because I'm working with a principal who is really involved, and he's helping A LOT. Too, the project is located close to my hometown, and I am childhood friends with the general contractor. I want to do an extraordinarily good job (like always), for all of the parties involved... which doesn't change my work habits, but adds a layer of internally initiated responsibility and stress.
  7. Tragedy. An acquaintance of my aunt and uncle... hit an 18-wheeler head-on. He was killed instantly, as was one of his dogs. The other dog was at home. Long story short (link provided later), the man's father took the surviving dog to the pound. My aunt and uncle rescued him from the pound and have placed him in a private kennel, while we can find him a permanent home. Look for more links later, while I agonize over whether Miss C would accept him!
  8. I'm getting ready to go on a road-trip vacation. The timing is poor on all accounts, but there are extenuating circumstances. Miss C and I are swinging through Doches and picking up my aunt. It will be a week of relaxation, games and jigsaw puzzles, hanging out, old movies, good food, long walks and a little antique shopping. Check out my blog from the road!
  9. Went to a club last night to witness, for the first time, (my pal) Mike's band. Check out 2nd Wind. I rode over with (my pal and) Mike's wife. We had a great time and the band rocked the house! I can't wait to see/hear them again!!!

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