Thursday, September 15, 2005

46 Things I Don't Like Very Much

  1. telephone
  2. interruptions
  3. helplessness
  4. being sucked in by bpd's. (my beef is not with them, but with myself)
  5. prejudice, bigotry and inequality
  6. people who fear the unknown... cultures, ethnicities, orientations
  7. patronization
  8. lack of respect for military
  9. lack of gratitude for what this country has to offer
  10. stinginess
  11. lack of empathy
  12. weakness
  13. narcissism
  14. property taxes I pay for benefits I don't receive
  15. income taxes I pay for things I don't agree with
  16. the rising cost of living v. the stagnant (but stable!) paycheck
  17. corruption
  18. when the people you love more than anything... don't remember
  19. constant pressure
  20. the one time in a thousand that I don't read the signals correctly
  21. people who don't feel guilt
  22. bs
  23. "Holier than Thou" crap.
  24. inferiority
  25. terrorism
  26. close mindedness
  27. cliques
  28. hell threats and accusations
  29. being ignored
  30. bothering people
  31. jealousy, when there is absolutely no reason
  32. not doing a good job
  33. errors, mistakes, bobos, misdemeanors... (even though we all make them)
  34. people who don't admit mistakes
  35. balancing time between billable, actual, and the budget
  36. having a high billable wage and a low fee, which means having MANY less hours to work with! i would do ANYthing to increase profits, as i realize i work with great guys who share... but sometimes it's SO hard and i hold my feet to the fire.
  37. winters that aren't cold enough
  38. unpredictability
  39. security concerns
  40. lawn services that mow when the grass hasn't grown
  41. ski trips without snow
  42. not being heard
  43. risking vulnerability and receiving no response... none
  44. the other shoe dropping
  45. demeaning response to honor, character and morality
  46. excrutiating traffic

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