Sunday, September 30, 2007
Beth And Greta In Aruba Again
It's not yet known what they intend to do or where they intend to stay.
Let's just hope that something productive comes from their mission.
Photo courtesy of 24ora.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Surely LC Isn't Still Smitten
I'm hoping it was just for good television, but previous episodes seemed to raise a glimmer of hope in Lauren, that she and Jason Wahler might rekindle their friendship, if not something more.
And those feelings were replaced in last night's episode of The Hills, when Lauren learned of the engagement. I'm hoping the emotions that surged... were pity and relief.
Photo courtesy of, by way of this MSN breakup story.
New Levels at Columbian University!
Photo courtesy of Chris Hondros/Getty Images, by way of U.S. News & World Report.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Stephen Colletti & Lauren Conrad, Together Again!
Stephen has split with Hayden Panettiere, and he and L.C. were spotted, attending as and looking very much like a couple, at a party for Hornitos Tequila Thursday night.
"Stephen and Lauren definitely looked like an item, "a source tells Star. "They hung out together the entire time and at one point, Stephen grabbed Lauren and took her out to the dance floor, where they danced to the song 'One More Time. ' They were laughing and flirting. They looked really happy and cute together."
Anxiously awaited and cute photo, courtesy of E! Online!
Alice Ghostley Passes Away
But I will always fondly remember her as the good witch and slightly off-kilter Esmeralda on 'Bewitched'.
1952 photograph, above, courtesy of AP. As Esmeralda, courtesy of this website.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Difference Between Me and BB8's Zach
I have no such delusions.
Fame is fleeting for the dim witted, Dude.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
BB8 Drum Roll...
(As if there was a choice... the a$$hole guy and loving father who strategized his a$$ off... v. the spoiled brat who whined, snubbed, screwed and rode his coattails. Hmmm...).
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
House Guest Descriptions by Dick and Daniele
Daniele’s Descriptions:
Kail – Ambiguous;
Jameka – Reserved
Nick – Genuine (She originally said Smitten but changed at end)
Carol – Average
Eric – Quirky
Amber – Fake
Joe – Hysterical
Jen – Fable
Dustin - Mean Spirited
Jessica – Typical blonde girl
Mike – Nice (bland but nice guy)
Zach – Obtuse
Dick's Descriptions:
Kail – Liar
Jameka – Hypocrite
Nick – Bad (Daniele joke argues with him)
Carol – Unrealistic
Eric – Player
Amber – Self-Righteous
Joe – Character
Jen – Unbelievable
Dustin – Jerk, Asshole
Jessica – Narcoleptic
Mike – Loyal (to his alliance)
Zach – Tool and Bozo
My Descriptions (no offense, anyone... it's just my perception of how each person was presented on the show):
Kail: Flakey
Jameka – Real
Nick – User
Carol – Uninteresting
Eric – Quirky, Over Eager, Over Achiever
Amber – Weepy Weepy Weepy Flake
Joe – Trippy Queen (not that there's anything wrong with that... trust me!)
Jen – Gross
Dustin – Snippy Queen
Jessica – Squeaky Sweet, Real (somehow I've managed to dismiss the HSBS)
Mike – Who?
Zach – Choker who blew the game when he had the chance to win it!
My perceptions of Daniele and Dick are for another post!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Splashing his own self in the media with all sorts of admissions, reveling in his 'sting operation', the possibility of criminal accountability (and why would it, based on past history) hasn't, even in the tiniest way, twinged his compulsively narcissistic (to the point of sociopathic) view of the world.
Booked today on multiple felony charges, including two counts of robbery with the use of a deadly weapon, conspiracy to commit a robbery, burglary with a deadly weapon, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon and coercion.
From what I've read, Las Vegas, NV law enforcement dots their i's and crosses their t's prior to issuing an arrest warrant. And with recorded footage of every inch of every casino, they can likely make their case, easily. It is unlikely that a Size 12 Bruno will be in question.
Conviction of the most stringent charge could bring a 35 year sentence. And he'll likely be held without bond, based on the fact that he's a flight risk (helloooo!).
Photo courtesy of Las Vegas, Clark County Nevada Law Enforcement... and a million other sources.
48 Great Things About My Special Weekend
- Pumpkin Peeps from my pal!
- As well as two fabulous bottles of my favorite wine in two fabulous wine bags, decorated with my favorite... stars!
- A sweet and thoughtful card (and check) from my Aunt N!
- A thoughtful email from Aunt P!
- Pushing a huge project out the door on Friday!
- Having the weekend off from work (for the first time in almost six months)!
- A good cry, remembering the people who meant the most in your life. It's overwhelmingly sad that they're gone, but I'm so truly blessed to have had them in the first place!
- The first cool front that you can actually feel... the weather is wonderful!
- Spending time with my oldest (by that, I mean longest!) and bestest friend!
- A custom made photo book, celebrating our friendship! It's so awesome! I love it and cry every time I look at it!
- My coveted, much anticipated and awesome howling dog sculpture!
- An excellent and oversized fried chicken lunch at Grand Luxe!
- Creme brulee to top off an already stuffed tummy!
- Fun adventures at Cost Plus World Market!
- Perfect new front door mat, matching both the exterior and interior of my house!
- Four perfect hammered iron dogs!
- An awesome wood cross!
- Three new Halloween rubber ducks!
- A handful of other clever rubber ducks!
- A new basket with wooden handles, just like I've been looking for!
- A surprise email from someone who validated my weekend off!
- An quiet evening of house flipping entertainment on Bravo!
- Re-run fried chicken for dinner!
- The most wonderful night's sleep... in almost forever!
- Sleeping in!
- Shmuggling with Miss C, as if she knew it was my special day!
- Breakfast in bed! (Ok, I had to get up, get dressed and go get it, before I enjoyed it in bed, but still...)!
- Leisurely chores! Finally time to clean the iron! (You know, soak the filter in vinegar and steam the tank to you heart's content)! And... Socks in (the wash) = Socks out (of the dryer)! That has to be some sort of record!
- A sweet card and Starbucks gift card (making the gift way over done) from my (peeps and wine) pal!
- Baking home made peanut butter cookies!
- Eating home made peanur butter cookies!
- Lazily watching mindless television!
- A phone call from my bestest friend!
- A phone call from Aunt N!
- Hummingbirds and butterflies!
- A phone call with melodic salutations from my (peeps and wine and bucks) pal and Shiner Hoo Hoo!
- In honor of my special day, non-partisan politics, courtesy of 740 KTRH.
- And a carefully worded message from the 9-5-0, Radio Mojo!
- A hilarious card from 'Sammy the Psychic Dog'!
- An equally hilarious card from M&S, who I want to mention... are well within my top 5 favorite people!
- A true surprise (thank goodness it didn't need air holes!) and thoughtful gift from M&S (top 5, for sure!)... and something I've always wanted... a rock salt crystal lamp! It's beautiful!
- Margarita Sunday with my favorite people!
- Fried avocado! Need I say more?!
- Nothing says your special day like wearing a sombrero and having your (big ole fat) picture taken!
- Phone call from my brother! I love him so much!
- Singing phone call from MMSP&J!
- Phone call from pals, L&S! I already miss them!
- Peaceful moments to reflect on the day, the weekend. I'm blessed. I am!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Zach's Win Should Have Been Disqualified?
The best thing that could happen to Zach, at this point and given is idiotic actions, would be a total recall of the events.
But that's not going to happen.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Big Brother 8: Zach Is A Little Slow On The Uptake!
Let me just say... While I think he's played a good 'fly under the radar' game up until last week, Zach proved last night that he isn't the 'sharpest knife in the drawer'.
In the lightning round that was last night's live broadcast... with Dick as HOH, Eric and Jameka nominated for eviction, Zach won the POV. He only had a minute or three to decide what to do with it, but still... it only took me a millisecond to figure it out (and shout at the television)... USE IT! Ole 'o-dee-doe-dee-doe' Zach, however, remained true to his "alliance", and chose not to use the power. Yikes.
- It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, that if he used it, Dick would have been forced (had no other choice, but) to put up Daniele, and she would have easily left the household. He and whoever he used the POV on were the only two who could vote, so it was an easy eviction.
- His alliance with the Donatos (Dick and Daniele) is a sham. He is the third wheel on a bicycle. Advance the game to the final three, and he is the odd man out. Advance the game with one of them and Jameka, and he's likely safe.
- The likelihood of Jameka winning HOH and putting Zach up, given past performance (although you have to take into consideration she wasn't eligible for much of her duration), isn't likely.
- He chose not to use it, so with Eric evicted, he made a somewhat enemy of Jameka (in the unlikely event she won HOH), and given the persuasive powers of the Donatos.
- IT WAS JUST SO EASY. He would have shared the final four with Dick (who everyone in the jury house dispises), and either Eric (America's player, unbeknownst to and not particularly liked by the jury) or Jameka (who has less than an iota of respect for the Donatos, but is well liked by the jury). AND YET, HE FOLLOWED THE ORDERS OF THE DONATO ALLIANCE, AND VOTED ERIC OUT OF THE HOUSE. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
With the scenario of a final four comprised of the Donatos, Jameka (HOH unlikely, given history) and Zach (equally as unlikely, given history)...
- There is at at least a 50% chance that the Donatos will win HOH, and he will be put up for eviction.
- His actions left, at most, a 2:2 split in loyalty. (Had he used the POV, the odds would have increased significantly... but at the minimum, 1:1:1. And he would have competed against Eric and Jameka (both weak) for HOH). The object at that point would have been to keep Dick in the house, because unlikelihood that anyone would vote for him. Now stop for another moment and consider that he just lost two votes... from Jessica and Eric!
- He has seen the Donatos play both sides of the alliance and should know that he can't trust them not to make deals with Jameka (although that would be unlikely, given Jameka's friendships in the sequester house), but it doesn't matter, since they will always be true to themselves.
I'll confess... I've never been a Zach fan. It's not anything he's done (until the last week... when I totally fell out with him), but it's more his inaction as a player. Perhaps that is the mark of good strategy... but I find it a tidbit lame. His success has been because of his lackadaisical attitude (I think strategy is too empowering of a word), because he hasn't truly connected with ANYONE, and (to their credit) the Donatos know that.