Friday, June 15, 2007

Random Memo: Ten Things That Are Bugging Me Today

  1. Contractors that won't call me back and give me an estimate.
  2. People who take out their frustrations with other people and other situations... on me, and then never own up to it. Everybody does it, from time to time... but just admit it, ya know?
  3. Clear skies and sunshine when I'm at work, thunder, lightning and rain afterwards!
  4. People who can't seem to put things in writing.
  5. U.S. Open preempts Dr Phil, on the one day I get to watch.
  6. And then Oprah is a repeat!
  7. Listening to the air conditioner run and run and run.
  8. Sports team billboards that feature, not the players, but the Owner and his children.
  9. I spent HOW MUCH on my season tickets???

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