Saturday, March 11, 2006

  1. Slept late. (8:15am IS late when your alarm is set for 4:50am weekdays).
  2. Got up to let Miss C do her thing.
  3. Went back to bed and loved on Miss C.
  4. Talked to my friend. Cancelled our plans for the day.
  5. Bleached the kitchen countertops.
  6. Ate a piece of Star Pizza for lunch.
  7. Talked to my friend again for about an hour.
  8. Caught up with The Real World and Flava Flave. (did I just admit that???).
  9. Watched a Celebrity Texas Hold-Em re-run (with Brad Garrett).
  10. Washed two loads of clothes.
  11. Laid down to take a nap, and at the pinacle of my slumbering ecstasy, some random @sshole rang my doorbell. Miss C came unglued and my thoughts of afternoon slumber were terminated.
  12. Worked a little.
  13. Read RWV and SM.
  14. Browsed a few random blogs.
  15. The bill for my home warranty came in today, you know... the same day I discovered that the flex connector at the water heater is leaking again... and that pi$$ed me off. (I pay for the warranty + $50 a year for someone to come out and fix that very same thing).
  16. Speaking of sucking, vacuumed the house with my nifty Dyson.
  17. Baked (burnt) oatmeal cookies.
  18. Began altering my blog template (after many days research on colors, etc.).
  19. Became overwhelmed and returned to status quo.
  20. Questioned why I'm so damn tired.
  21. Decided to eat a cookie and think about it again tomorrow.

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