Thursday, March 23, 2006

Empathy and Joran

From the moment I became aware of Natalee Holloway's disappearance, my empathetic tendencies have worked overtime.

First, I empathisized immensely with Natalee. I had a similar upbringing. And I experienced a memorable and life-altering high school graduation trip by throwing caution to the wind, and taking a giant leap of faith. Fortunately for me, mine was a slow death over time, rather than consequences that were immediately apparent.

Second, I began to empathisize with Joran. My immediate reaction was to feel sorry for him. After all, he had stated that he dropped Natalee off at the hotel. It seemed innocent, enough, and highly understandable.

I'm unable to put myself in Joran's shoes, because I'm a girl... but I grew up with an older brother that I adored. So, I began to imagine that Joran was my brother, and I began to empathize with his family.

And that's when it all fell apart for me.

If Joran (presuming his or my parents' belief in his innocence) was my brother, his ass would have been out on the beach, in the sand dunes, scouring the streets, the casinos, the clubs... desparately looking for Natalee. He would have no time for anything else. He would have been following any lead. He would have centered his life around helping Natalee's parents, not scoffing, not lying, not serving time in KIA over some assinine, irrelevant lie. MY parents would have had MY brother doing the detective work that the local police weren't staffed or equipped to do.

MY brother would have NO LIFE... NO sleep, let alone rest of any kind, until Natalee was found.

MY brother, and MY family would have joined Natalee's family. We would be as one. We would have dedicated ourselves to finding Natalee. And not one of us would have rested until the goal was reached.

Therin lies the incrimination of Paulus, and possibly Anna. Why are they not helping the search? Why have they not employed Joran and their younger son in the search? Why has the entire family NOT joined the search?

Detractors, say what you want about the morality of Americans. Let's say Americans are the least moral among us, how do you explain the family's reaction(?)... then... and now?

Morality is not, in and of itself, a crime. But I believe it speaks volumes about the truth and likely circumstances. After all, there are only TWO reasons not to commit yourself to a search.

  1. The search is pointless (She is dead, and all the searching isn't going to matter) .
  2. She is dead. Her body is hidden, possibly re-hidden. And it is imperative that it not be found.

So for me, it's so much MORE than what Joran DID AND SAID that wreaks of guilt (name ANY 17 year old that had rather spend 60+ days in jail to protect a girlfriend or to stand by an initial lie), but also, what he DIDN'T DO. That part incriminates not just Joran... but his entire family.

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