Monday, February 20, 2006

Needless to say, I don't work in a profession that observes any but the "biggest" holidays. So, off I went to work this morning! It was nice... the NBA All Star Weekend traffic had dissipated as folks either left town last night, or more likely, slept in this morning. Incidentally, I heard that traffic on the West Loop near the Galleria this weekend was as bad as it was during the Hurricane Rita evacuation!

The weather is still gloomy and cold. And I was soooo incredibly sleepy all day! Then when lunchtime came, I turned down the lunch gang because noone could think of a warm place to go! One of the guys was going out to run errands and offered to bring back a sandwich, so I took him up on his offer and stayed in.

I had a pressing morning deadline, and I worked this weekend to meet it. I spent much of the morning piddling with some things that I knew would be needed in the future (not by me, but by someone). I took a few telephone calls. I mentored a little. And I waited... knowing there was another project in line for my attention, but waiting on the information to be passed to me.

So... I had a little time to think about what's important. And here's what I came up with:

Lunch is important. Correction: GOING OUT TO LUNCH IS IMPORTANT.

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