Sunday, October 09, 2005

Random Memo 100905

  1. Met with new clients. They seem like great people. Our personalities gelled, and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.
  2. Completed a drawing for MMSP.
  3. Wrote a proposal for professional services.
  4. Pulled some OT.
  5. Shmuggled with Miss C.
  6. Bleached the kitchen counters.
  7. Washed and dried clothes and sheets and towels.
  8. Made a vacation list and terms of agreement for my vacation companion. Ha.
  9. Gathered pecans.
  10. Piddled in the yard.
  11. Watched a healthy share of television, including old movies and a ton of Made.
  12. Enjoyed the Astros' results!
  13. Checked out some other blogs.
  14. Cleaned house.
  15. Made lists and plans.

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