Sunday, September 11, 2005

Random Memo 091105

  1. Woke up to sounds of squirrels playing on the roof.
  2. Negotiated with Miss C about whether it was time to get up. First she put her head on top of mine which was very sweet. Then she put her chin over my nose, which was also sweet, but smothering. I folded and she won. We got up.
  3. Let C outside, then made breakfast for both of us. We ate and went back to bed.
  4. Watched the commemmoration and memorial of 9/11 on Fox News. Teared up as I empathisized with the family members of the victims.
  5. Said a prayer.
  6. Made the best french press coffee ever. (I broke my coffee pot carafe several months ago and have been making french press coffee ever since. I've had strong coffee, bitter coffee, and weak coffee...). Made a note of the perfect formula for next time.
  7. Miss C and I watched "Monkey Business" with Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers and Marilyn Monroe. It just made Sunday... Sunday.
  8. Washed clothes and sheets and towels. At least part of yesterday's list has been addressed.
  9. Checked the mailbox from yesterday. Received my FIRST birthday card! :-)
  10. Left for the grocery store and called my aunt to thank her for the card and "gifty inside".
  11. Passed by an anti-war protest. They had signs saying honk if you're against the war. I'm not, and the only response I could think of was a gesture that wasn't appropriate when I'm on the phone with my aunt.
  12. Went to an HEB grocery store where I knew I would save money. It was my first time to that exact location, and it lived up to my previous experiences elsewhere. I saved money, but I hated it. (Example: NightHawk Steak & Tots dinner, Kroger $2.50 to $2.59... HEB $1.94). With the price of gas these days, you gotta save money somewhere.
  13. Finished my conversation with my aunt on the way home.
  14. Reminiscent of the old "Miracle Whip" commercial... I bought bread and bologna, and began to make a sandwich when I got home.... there wasn't enough "Miracle Whip" left in the jar to make a sandwich. I whimpered like the guy in that old commercial.
  15. Watched the end of "Bird Cage". That probably makes well into the 200 times that I've watched it on tv, with commercials... when I own the DVD.
  16. Opened a box of Elbert Hubbard books that I collect, and put the first lot into the freezer. (Note: place old books in a ziploc bag and seal. Place the book into the freezer for a minimum of 12-18 hours. This kills the mold in the book. Gently brush the dust from the pages and it is ready for display!).
  17. Watched Miss C chase squirrels.

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