Saturday, August 13, 2005

Random Memo 081305

  1. decided it was more clever to call these occasional posts by their real names, rather than... randUmmemos..
  2. vacuumed 12 pounds of dog hair off the floor. wow. that's almost 20% of my dog . made a note to weigh HER tomorrow.
  3. went to the grocery store for toilet paper. spent $134.41. northern isn't the bargain toilet paper, but i like it.
  4. caught up with LC and Stephen on Laguna Beach. it appears that they hooked up again in mexico! but, alas... Stephen left for school and snow boarding this episode.
  5. tried to figure out how Stephen left in his truck... when he took an airplane home from San Francisco. very confusing.
  6. found out i slept through a head on collision last night at the end of my street. the guy who caused it hopped out of his suv and ran past my house, but was tackled by young guys at a party on the other end of the street.
  7. mourned the loss of limbs for my little "Ashleigh" (my 50 year old ash tree, in the front yard).

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