Thursday, July 29, 2004

Miss C: Giving me the bird...

I told a friend and co-worker about the weekend toy rotation (see below),
and she laughed heartily and told me, quite simply...
Miss C was giving me the bird!

I arrived home last night, after ten hours at work,
to find my baby with her head resting on the window sill.
And as I opened the door and entered, I had to step over one of her toys.
You guessed it... an ostrich!

She, once again, was giving me the bird!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Miss C: A Golden Retriever's Toy Rotation

Miss C is a pretty girl with a large personality,
and she's not spoiled, in the least...

She does, however, maintain an extra large toy box behind the sofa...
as well as a large toy basket in her (master) bedroom.
Ok, she owns well over a hundred plush, talking, mute, squeaking
and squeaker-ectomied toys.
Some say she's 'spoiled', she terms it 'deserving'.

And she rotates her own toys on an approximate weekly basis,
often on Sundays.

She spent most of the weekend flushing birds out of her backyard...
not intentionally, but because of the errant squirrel
who was attempting to beat the odds and blend in to feast out of the feeders.

Yesterday, Sunday, while trapped inside,
(as Mom had a rare and irritating weekend meeting at the office),
she pulled out six toys.

All six toys were birds
(I know, by now, you think I'm exaggerating... but this is the honest truth)...
Big Bird, Jeckel, two different ducks, a parrot and a rooster.


World Series of Dog...Shows!

I attended the Reliant Park World Series of Dog Shows, and this is what I learned:

Wheter he's in his own back yard, a public park, or in the concession line at a World Series of Dog Shows event... if dog's gotta go, he's GONNA go!

Willing to pay for break...

since working for one has yielded no (and quite the opposite) results.

I've come to accept that I'll never be given one; they, apparently, can't be earned; and demands fall quietly behind an instinctive nature to please.

I'm talking a universal break here... professional, financial and romantic. I am, however, quite willing to entertain separate offers.

Got one to spare? Give me first option! (And, of course, that would be my FIRST break!).

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Weird Stuff: Dyson Animal Sucked Away By Tax Nightmare

I was working so hard for a Dyson vacuum cleaner,

and all I got was a sucky tax bill!

Blogger woes

There's never enough time to do the things I love!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Today's Trivia Question

You're gonna love today's trivia question, and the comment it received is even funnier!

Rant: Martha, Martha, Martha...

As everyone knows by now, Martha Stewart, convicted of conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges, was sentenced on Friday to five months in a minimum security prison, and five months house arrest (pending appeal).

Check out my rant, and my very mixed emotions about the entire ordeal, from the charges to the conviction to the sentencing!

Weird Stuff: A Nap and a New Car

I've been working really long hours lately, so one day this week, I took a day off to "get my car serviced".

In reality, all I really wanted was a nap.

Instead, I bought a new car.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Houston Comet's Retire Coop's Jersey

The Houston Comets, all referees, league conspiracies and predetermined outcomes aside, soundly defeated the Detroit Shock tonight by a score of 97 to 61.

Emotions ran high from start to finish
with the retirement of Cynthia Cooper's jersey at half time.

Photo courtesy of the Houston Comets and the WNBA.

Coop is, arguably, the woman who has made the single most impressive impact
on the Houston Comets, and the WNBA, at large.

I think it's safe to say that there wasn't a dry in the house at Toyota Center tonight...
as Jersey 14 was unveiled, very approppriately and divinely,
next to number 10 (Kim, may you raise the roof of Heaven tonight!).

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Rant: Human Rights and Gay Marriage

Human rights were granted a small reprieve today as the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage failed to advance in the Senate today, in part, because six Republican Senators joined forces with 43 Democrats and Independents.

Curious what I have to say about the events? Check it out!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

First Blog Jitters

Read all about my first blog jitters, in my first blog post ever. It's riveting!